Sunday, January 3, 2010

Meet Jigs

This is Jigs


I know it's not a great picture but he was on the road and it was too cold to go our and get closer. i took the pic from the doorway.

Jigs is a great dog that lives with Bill and Ruth, our 80-something neighbors, about a half mile down our road. I don't know what kind he is but he is about 70 pounds of friendly. He has become quite the wanderer here lately. i think he is lonely.

His life has been turned upside down. Bill had a stroke last spring and is now residing in a nursing home and won't be coming home again. Bill spent all his time outside...piddling around here and there....with Jigs by his side.

Then a few months ago Ruth fell and broke her neck. so she has been staying with relatives and not been home for weeks. Now she is back home but she is not the outside Jigs has no one to play with.

Jigs started coming by our house a few weeks ago. he would show up in the morning and we would feed him and give him a drink...he would play with our dog for a while...and then he would wander on. sometimes he showed up again in the evening and we would feed him again. i knew that relatives were going by Ruth's place to feed Jigs and the chickens. and he had never wandered down this far before. so we checked on Ruth and things were fine. Jigs was just lonely.

sometimes he came by every day for a while. then we wouldn't see him for a few days. he is a great dog and although he is about 10 or 12 years old, he gets around like a much younger dog. they have a large pond and when the guys go down to fish, Jigs is right there. Jigs is a snake killer. he jumps in the pond after the water moccasins, pulls them out and kills them. he has been bit several times but i guess he thinks this is his job....Jigs the snake killer.

so, yesterday he showed up again. that's when i snapped this picture of him. he was just laying on the side of road at the studio. i guess he saw my truck there and came to protect me for a while. after about 30 minutes i looked out again and he was gone. once he was here really late at night and jim took him back home and checked on Ruth. Jigs was just lonely.

Jigs is basically an outside dog and Bill was always outside so i guess poor Jigs doesn't know what to do with hisself now. we figure if Jigs is still around when Ruth passes on then we will just adopt him. he is house broken and a good dog....and a snake killer.


  1. I love this story. I wish Jigs lived in Texas. We would adopt him if he would have us. After all, a good snake killer is hard to find.

  2. Hi Shirley. Jigs sounds like a great dog. Such a sad situation though with Bill & Ruth. Really sad. Keep checking on Ruth. It's got to be such a hard time for her.
    Dang! This is just sad all the way around.


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