Thursday, January 7, 2010

Through 5 miles of snow...3 feet deep....uphill

oh no,..... that was the father story when you didn't want to go out into the snow. and who knows, my father may have trudged through 5 miles of snow...3 feet get out. he grew up in Toledo, Ohio.

today i braved the snow and trudged out to the studio. granted, it is just across the road. BUT, from the house is downhill down the first part of the driveway and there is where my main problem lies. i am always afraid i will slip and fall and break something....then down a LOOOONG driveway to the road...then across the road and to the studio. it seemed like 5 miles. it's about 12 degrees and we had 3 inches of snow. it just seemed like 3 feet deep....and 5 miles....and uphill.

my truck is 2 wheel drive so there was no hope of driving it over. i tried that last year and got stuck at the studio and dh had to pull me out. the truck is lazing in the barn till spring or the snow melts...whichever comes first. as dh left this morning to deliver mail he asked if i was going to the studio and reminded me about the truck fiasco from last year.

i did bring the cane over to the studio with me. i have a fear of falling and breaking something in the snow. so i think the cane gives me some stability. it may not be true but it makes me feel better. here's my trudge across the frozen tundra. LOL
see the little 'line' next to my tracks...that's the cane. hahahaha

Looonng driveway...then make a slight right and up the hill  

Back behind those trees and up the hill is the house. Brrrr!!  

I'm not venturing back out until i am ready to go back to the house for the day. during nice weather (think no snow) i will sometimes go back to the house for lunch and then walk back to the studio. not today.

also i usually go out and pick up the mail when i notice Jean has come by. not today

and since dh is gone all day today delivering mail...i would usually go back up to the house and let the dog out to go potty. not today....she can just cross her legs till i get back. besides...she is laying on the couch right in front of the vent from the wood stove with nice warm air blowing on her. i think i hate her.


1 comment:

  1. It may not be 3 feet deep it just FEELS 3 feet deep. Hope you have a nice warm house when you do get back home.


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