Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Bessie is back home!

WooHoo!!!  Bessie is back home and good as new. too bad they don't do a wash job while she is in the shop. LOL    she needs one desparately.

The problem was a small one...an oxygen sensor was out. whatever that is. i didn't even ask. it only cost a bit over $100 so that was good enough for me.

Our mechanic is Soooo good. both myself and my dh drive Ford Rangers and Bill is an expert at them. we are so happy to have him. and he works at the small repair shop in town so we don't have to frequent a dealer.

So, Thursday morning i am off on an adventure to my sister's house for the weekend. it is her birthday so we shall do our usual and have fun...thrifting...book sale....perhaps a movie....and if it is warm enough go out to the beast for the day and do some work.

Now i have to decide what project to take along with me to sew on. there are so many, many projects. i need something that i can make some substantial progress on. and i have finished piecing a few tops that have been hiding out for months and months, so when i get back home i have to get crackin on quilting them up. they probably won't get any fancy treatment....just git her done. hahahahaha

So, if i don't talk to you again till next week, you will know i am in Illinois having fun with my sister. behave yourselves while i am gone.

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