Sunday, March 21, 2010

3 more blocks

Yea!!   3 more blocks done between last night and this morning. i really didn't feel like working at the studio yesterday so i went home early...about 3pm and pieced the fairy. wouldn't we all like to have someone with a magic wand in our lives?

 And this morning i did the centaur.  they also call him the archer.

Just a few pieces left...the witch, a sphinx, a griffin, a hippogriff and i'm going to make a second bat. so, in 2 or 3 days i will have all the blocks done and then it will be time to figure out how to put them all together. i wish there would have been some trees...i would like to put them around the castle. perhaps i can find some ghoulish magic trees somewhere. have any thoughts?

I thought i might get a bit domestic today. i made french toast for breakfast. we didn't have milk so i used canned evaporated milk and thinned it down with some water. then what do i do with the rest of it. there was a recipe on the can for bar cookies, so i whipped those up to use up the rest of the canned milk. all in the interests of not wasting anything you understand. LOL

It called for grahan cracker crumbs and i didn't have any but i had a box of ginger snaps so i pulverized those and used them in place of the graham crackers. it worked out fine. it kind of gives a little bite to your tongue. it was just a simple layer cookie thing....base, canned evaported milk, coconut, chocolate chips and pecans. pretty tasty.

To continue the domestic binge i am cooking dinner, too. yes, practically unheard of at my house. i am in a clean out the pantry mood....found some shake and bake and turkey in the freezer from thanksgiving. so there will be shake and bake turkey, mashed potatoes (use those up), gravy (jim's gotta have gravy), and some green beans. simple.

AND i mixed up a huge salad...which i have been meaning to do for a couple days now. lettuce, boiled eggs, tomato, red pepper, cucumber, green onions, sunflower seeds, avocado and some grated cheese. yum.

So, now domestic duties are finished for the day...for the week. haha  perhaps for the month.

Gotta go crank up the embroidery machine and see what project i can finish over there.

Then a little later i made the knight. the knight is wearing the colors of the fairy. isn't that what they did...they wore the colors of their lady into battle? perhaps she should let him take that magic wand and he wouldn't have to worry about fighting the dragon. hahahaha

1 comment:

  1. Shirley, I can wait to see this all pieced and quilted, its going to be great!!!


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