Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Oh my stars!

Magic stars, that is. i finished 3 stars last night.

and an owl. i didn't use hand dyed muslin for his wings and head but i DID overdye this commercial fabric. it used to me a white on white.   i just HAD to use the feathers on the owl.

these are all so darn cute. tonight i still have the bat and cat. i think i shall make 2 bats. i thought they would go faster because they are smaller, but i was wrong. (imagine that..LOL).  still lots of pieces and still takes a while.

there are still 6 or 7 more pieces to make. strange creatures ... some of which i never heard of.

there is a witch, fairy, knight, pegasus, griffin and a few more.

1 comment:

  1. I have been following your progress on this quilt Shirley and it is looking great. Love all the blocks.


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