Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The sphinx is done

Last  night i got the sphinx done. i didn't know if i would do a block last night since i got sucked into watching American Idol. so i didn't start this until 9...and finished at 11. not bad time. i think it was easier because it is the same at the griffin...only the head is different. these folks had some wild imaginations for their magic creatures. or good hallucinatory drugs. LOL

I took a vest pattern across the road last night, too. like i NEED another nighttime project. but i have been thinking of making a new vest out of selvages. the front will be all the fuzzy selvages. the lining is an Egyptian print. yet another fabric that i bought and now am thinking 'just what are you going to do with that'. so, inside of a vest seemed appropriate. don't know when it will get to finish the last magic castle blocks first. but it is percolating over there...along with my brain. hahahaha

My hubby is building me a thread cabinet today...or finishing it today. i got doors from my sister's sunroom when she tore it out and was going to throw them away. so i brought the doors home and requested a thread cabinet. it will be large enough to house all my quilting threads in one place instead of several cabinets and boxes and such. will share a pic when i get it over to the studio.

Till next time....have fun.


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