Friday, April 16, 2010

where has today gone?

It is almost 4:30 and i am wondering where the day went.

Of course, if you don't get out of bed until 9:45 that pretty much takes care of your morning. LOL i find myself sleeping much later these days and don't really know why. i used to survive on 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night and am now doing 8 or 9. is that just age? yikes!  scary.  in another 10 years i'll be sleeping 10 or 12. LOL

Today was mowing day. Jim took the tractor out to the large pond and bushogged the tall stuff. i followed along on my riding mower and re-mowed what he did to smooth it all out and make it prettier. he says now it looks nice and makes him want to fish more.

Our neighbor's dog, Jigs, was down visiting and going round the pond looking for snakes...the dog dearly loves to kill snakes. He took a little swim when he got hot and continued his hunt. i never saw him find anything today. but there is a very large black snake that has lived under our barn for a few years now. Jigs saw him the other day and was barking and barking at him to come out and "play"...the snake wasn't falling for it and stayed under the barn. Jigs was quite perturbed at that. hahahaha

About 2pm we were finished with the section that we wanted to mow and decided to take a shower and wash away the grit and then go into town to eat. there is a new restaurant in town....the Whitetail Cafe. so we decided to give them a try. I had the fried chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy and corn. Jim has the catfish, shrimp and hush puppies. it was excellent food and we even took some home for later that didn't get eaten. the price was wonderful. but i won't probably go least not very often. they smoke cigarettes in there and as soon as i opened the door i could tell. so i came home with itchy eyes. we only have 1 restaurant in town that has no smoking and that is where we usually go. but mostly we eat at home.

I never made it to the studio today so guess i will go work on a selvage bag that i started several days ago. at least i can say i sewed something today. tomorrow better be a studio day.

Hope your day was happy and your weekend will be even more so.

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