Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Lightning strikes

It has been a bit crazy here the last couple days. we had a huge thunder and lightning storm for over 5 hours on monday night. i was sitting in the living room and heard a loud POP and saw a bright white light outside the deck. i figured something very close got hit. that something was US. LOL

I looked out the deck doors and swore i could smell smoke but figured it was my imagination. but the next morning the barn doors would not open. the lightning took them out. they will be fixed tomorrow.

Then the internet wouldn't work. that wasn't a huge concern because when we gets LOTS of rain sometimes it is unworkable for a few hours. but apparantly the lightning got it, too. the phone company had to come out and replace parts and the router. there was a burned it got zapped.

And the studio got zapped, too. luckily i had the longarm unplugged. but when i came over the embroidery machine wouldn't work and both computers were out. plus some of the electric plugs wouldn't work. the good news is that it just tripped the breakers and didn't fry anything thank goodness. lightning is scary.

Today it seems like we are all operational once again. i hope it stays that way for a while. it is sad how much you miss the internet when you can't get there. i need to remember to unplug things when i leave at the end of the day....might need to write myself a note....a large note...and put it on the door. LOL

Hope you are safe from storms.

1 comment:

  1. Shirley I am sorry you got hit by lightening. We had a thunderstorm last Thursday and lightening killed our neighbors Australian Shepard dog. Blackie was 6 years old. I had never heard of it but have found out since that animals are hit quiet often. I'm going to keep Jazzy in during a storm. Stay safe.


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