Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's all Marilea's fault!!

Today i bought fabric. that doesn't sound like such a BAD thing...does it?

Well, my quilt studio was overrun with fabric and this year's goal was to get rid of at least 100 yards of fabric....i intended to use it up to make quilts and donate them. well, once i got rid of 100 couldn't even tell a difference in the stash.

So i started GIVING it away.....i had 2 huge free giveaways and got rid of boxes and boxes of fabric that i no longer had an interest in. to date, i have busted 424 yards of fabric from my stash. now THAT.....i can notice. i am one happy camper.

I have not bought ANY new fabric this all......until TODAY.

Marilea had a yard sale ...... and sent me an email advising of same.......the email said older fabrics left on the bolt were going to be $1 a yard.  GASSSSPPP!!!   WHAT!!

Now what sane quilter would pass that up. actually i argued with myself overnight that i was supposed to be getting RID of fabric.....and that i had been good for 7 months and not bought any new fabric.     then that little devil on my shoulder said that i should be rewarded for being so good for that long. hahahahahahahaha

The sale started at 9am. i think i was there at 8:55. LOL    i didn't even  check out anything else...just went straight to the fabric table. i was looking for neutrals that would go with anything or something i really, really, really loved.

40 yards followed me home.  and then....a bit later in the day i even thought of going back.....but i thought that was just WRONG. LOL

I got 4 pieces on bolts...ranging from 4 yards (left) to 12 yards (right).

And then i picked up a few other pieces that were 2 - 3 yards each. and i found 2 different fat quarters (the blue ones) that had several the same so i got those, too.

Actually, i think i showed great restraint (for me)...i was prepared to spend twice that (or more). Now i better piece those tops faster and get back on track. i'm going to have to report my 40 yard purchase on the Stashbusters report on Monday and it is going to be embarassing.

But sometimes falling off the wagon is just plain fun.

Oh, and i got a quilt book, too.

1 comment:

  1. Too funny Shirley! Don't feel bad...We don't want to even begin to talk about how much fabric (not to mention paints, dyes, threads and others things) I have bought this year. I look at it as promoting my art and doing my part to stimulate the sagging economy.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! :)
    Enjoy your new stuff and create great stuff with it!


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