Monday, August 30, 2010

An unwelcome nighttime visitor

Surprises are not always a good thing. i had an unwelcome nighttime visitor last night....of the 4-legged kind. yeck! i didn't take any pictures....i'll spare you that mess.

I went to get my checkbook this morning and when i opened the drawer i could hardly believe my eyes. mayhem!!  seems a little mouse had tried to set up housekeeping last night. i had just opened that drawer the day before and all was well then. this little dude (or dudette..whichever the case may be) had quite a party in a few nighttime hours.

I keep my 38 in that drawer, in a leather holster. there was a pair of wool gloves laying on top of it. the gloves were shredded....fingers decapitated....and the devil ate a circular pattern out of the leather gun holster. who knew mice like leather....must have been  a kinky little guy. LOL

Then he proceeded to chew through some papers and receipts that i had in a folder....knew i should have filed those. and there was a plastic bag with paper coin goodness...he REALLY liked those.  and a honey lemon cough drop had the paper mostly torn off of it and some little gnarly marks on it.....perhaps he just had a cough and was looking for medication.

Thank goodness he didn't get into lower underwear drawers or i might have had peek-a-boo bras and crotchless panties. LOL   So the first hour of my day was spent cleaning up his mess instead of writing out those checks for bills.

I hope he visits again tonight. i left him a little mouse poison buffet underneath the dresser. i sure hope he enjoys it and takes some home to share with his family, too.

Crossing my fingers for no more mousey parties at my place.

1 comment:

  1. Seems mice do like leather, I had a mouse nibble on the leg of one of my suede boots while they were laying in my spare bedroom, he just nibble and left the little pieces lying loved those boots! Hay ho!

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland


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