Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The X Block Quilt

Here are a few pictures of another quilt i finished recently. i seem to be on a roll here on my tops....while customer tops fill the cabinet.

This is an X Block pattern. you need a ruler template to do it. you piece 9 patch blocks and then line up the X block template on your seam lines and cut off the edges. you will cut off long triangular pieces.  but there is no waste...you use the cut off parts for a border. it is really quick and easy to do. of course, i had to make a queen size quilt. i used up lots of stash...blues and whites, tans, beiges, and creams.

Here is a quarter of the top. i already had it at the house and didn't have anywhere to hang it for a full pic. and too lazy to take it back to the studio to do it. LOL

How about a close-up? i love those blocks...so easy. the only thing is once you start cutting with one side of the X block template....do NOT turn it over...your blocks will be cut in the opposite direction and won't fit together properly where the 2 different colors meet. i taped a piece of paper on the side i was using so i wouldn't get confused.

See that middle border there....the one with the same colors as the blocks. those are the parts that you cut off the edges of your 9 patch blocks. just sew 2 of them together into a rectangle...trim them down to the size you want and make a border. i should have made another border out of these. i had 80 blocks...so 320 pieces cut. and i only used about 1/4 of them for this one border. if i do this quilt again i will use multiple borders of the pieces with perhaps 1/2" dark borders between them. and i sewed the 2 pieces together that matched...you could certainly change it up and be more scrappy. yet another project to contemplate. hahahaha

And here is the back. i used the clamshell template from QZ...it sews 6 rows before you have to roll the quilt so it goes pretty quickly. and i have already washed the quilt so it is a tad wrinkly...just like i like them.

Go get you an X block template and give them a try. there is a book showing many patterns using this template. they are awesome. check it out.

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