Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's apple time

Every time i go out to mow the garden/orchard area, i check the apple trees. for the last couple weeks there have been apples on the ground so i have been gathering them up and making pies. dh sure does like apple pies....every time he says it is the best one he has ever eaten. LOL  my sister says when i look at the apple trees...i see..picking, peeling, coreing, canning, etc. when dh looks at the apple trees....he just sees apple pies. i think she is right.

The creatures don't seem to care about the fuji apples...but that is good because those are my favorites. but they sure do like the granny smiths. more and more of them were getting eaten or chewed on, so i picked the grannies the other day. i had 2 five gallon buckets full. i left the bad ones on the trees for the creatures.

This is what i have so far. 6 future apple pies.

And i still have this many left to process...that is a HUGE bowl. should be enough for 6 or 8 more pies.

And a few fujis that i have picked up the last few days. a few of these have been eaten.

Tomorrow i probably need to process the rest of the grannies.  i looked out at the orchard when i came to the studio this morning to check on the main fuji tree. it has lots of apples and is hanging on the ground. also had a big surprise in the orchard.

Little stinky there has been hanging around the last several days. i don't know where he came from but i sure wish he would leave. our dog barked at him today and there was a little bit of a 'stay away from me spray'. ... thankfully that didn't get on the dog.  i was under the impression the skunks came out to forage during the night and slept during the day. it makes me wonder if this one is sick or rabid or something. so we have the guns loaded and are waiting to catch it and do away with it. i just can't have a stinky doggie.

Another little project that i accomplished was to finally paint the inside of the bathroom window. it is a lovely maroonish red. i am liking it. my next painting project is the roll out windows in the reading room....i put on the primer this morning.

I cleaned out the last of my stuff from the studio basement. holiday decorations; craft items; stuff that just accumulated down there. i filled the back of my pickup and conned my dh to go to the thrift store with me to drop it off. of course, i had to feed him mexican food along the way...but he will do almost anything for food. LOL

And it is raining here again today so no logs will be sawed and split.

I guess i will go up to the house and work on one of my many projects there. i have to start block #6 of the Tokyo Subway Map quilt.

AND...Survivor's new season starts tonight....yipee!!

Talk to ya later.

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