Sunday, November 7, 2010

I went to a 2-day stripper party!!

I just got back home from a 2-day stripper party.

No, i didn't learn how to BECOME a stripper...that would be too scary for the world....and would probably throw us off our axis. Nor did i get to watch male strippers for 2 days....darn it. LOL

My sis invited me to a stripper party.....a wallpaper stripping party. just doesn't sound like as much fun....does it?

She got tired of stripping wallpaper alone and said it was much more fun with company. so, armed with sprayer bottles full of water and our scrapers....we tackled a bedroom upstairs. there were 2 layers of wallpaper in some places. and all of it was painted over. kind of makes you want to find the people who did it and hurt them.

I am making progress....bottom finished...starting on the top.

The trick i discovered .... after a frustrating spraying LOTS of water and giving it a minute to soak in. soon after we started i also discovered if i scored the wallpaper with the edge of my scraper and then sprayed more water it seemed to soak in better. i also worked 2 spots at once...scraping one spot and spraying the other. and then working back and forth. once i got my  mojo  going it went pretty quickly and easily. it is just a tedious process.

We left the ceiling for the time being. trying to scrape a ceiling while standing on a ladder is not easy. you are at the wrong angle....and the ladder makes my feet tired. i had to keep reminding myself that i was 4 foot off the floor and not to just back up.

After i finished up in the bedroom i moved to the hallway outside that room. there were also nails to pull out from the paneling that we pulled down last summer. thank goodness for milk crates. LOL

We've been working on this house for over a year and still don't have all the ugly out of it.

We spent the night on Wednesday so we could have even more fun. we don't have water and don't have it's kind of like camping out. but it was comfortable and not at all a problem. we set up a small heater in a bedroom early in the day and close the doors and by evening it is cozy. we have blow up mattresses to sleep on and electric blankets. what more could you ask for.

And we haul a lot of water so we can flush the toilet. we have a refrigerator to hold water and diet cokes and my sis just added a microwave to our amenities. we are probably up to a 2 star hotel. hahahahahahahaha

The house next door to my sister's house is now for sale. it is a smallish....2 bedroom, 1 bath on a typical city lot. with garage and little back shed, fenced yard and back deck. i am considering looking at that house or other property to buy. if i outlive dh i probably won't stay out in the woods on the farm. so being closer to my sis would be good. all the houses i look at out there are somewhat fixer-uppers. they are still all living in the 60s with the paneling and ugly carpet. LOL   but i might find a deal....who knows. i'm thinkin' on it.

Well, the party's over....back to work in the studio.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shirley, That sounds like a great propostion to buy next door to your sis. You can live at her house whilst you (and she) do your reno! If you rented it out in the meantime, she could keep an eye on it for you (plus it could be paid off, by your tenant). Cheers, Christine D


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