Friday, November 12, 2010


More North Pole Village. hope you're not tired of seeing these...we have lots more to go.

Today we have Hot Cocoa...who doesn't love a cup of hot cocoa on a cold, snowy day. (well, i don't like it...but most everyone else does. LOL).  I had to 'pretty' that one up some and use a flowery fabric for the cup/house. great idea

Then we have presents. you always need presents at Christmas. but who would have thought of making a house out of presents. not me...that's for sure. in fact, when looking at the first...i couldn't figure out what it was. it looked like those nutter butter cookies sticking out of the roof. LOL   but after i stitched the first one i saw that it was a bow and my brain figured out the presents. sheesh!  i just thought that bow on the top was a star. hahahahaha  this one is NOT one of my favorites. but, hey, they can't ALL be can they. 

Scary .... as i was stitching out the presents i was thinking...i wonder what is coming up next. and then i thought...i know...a christmas tree lot. i'll bet they don't have one of those and i should suggest it for the next set. in fact, i even wrote it on a sticky note so as not to forget it. and then....what comes up as the very next scene to stitch but a christmas tree lot. was that just my brain that 'saw' what was next in the computer. or just a weird twist of fate. who knows.

Here's a not-so-blurry pic...much better.

That pic is a bit blurry...i'll try to get a better pic of it later. for now you get the idea.

OK...back to work. the frame is empty and i think today will be for me. the next customer quilt is the same pattern as the one i just finished and i can't face that right now. so, i will turn on the embroidery machine once again and throw something on the frame and get to work.

See ya later. have fun stitchin and bitchin.  LOL

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