Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hand applique

If you know me at know i do NOT do hand applique. i'm a fusible girl with machine buttonhole stitching around. or use the Stable Magic for a base and then machine stitching around.

Hand applique takes a Loooonngggg time. i am too impatient. it makes my fingers hurt. it is just HARD.

With all that said....check this out. i gave you a larger picture this time so you could see all my boo-boos. LOL and this is needle turn applique. i don't see a lot of this in my future...perhaps when i am older and not so impatient to have it done NOW.

This is what i spent the last 5 evenings of my life on.....hours each evening. i like the curly-q's that come from the stems...with the little french knots. i can DO those.  

This is a quilt that we are doing in my quilt class this year. there are 4 of these baskets with flowers. the last flower in the middle at the top isn't on there yet because i need the blocks that go next to goes over the seam line. and i haven't made the decision yet whether i will hand applique the other 3 blocks or not.

It looks pretty....but is by no means straight or stitched properly. it is hard to line those little pieces up and keep them where they are supposed to go. it seems like the pieces move while i am stitching matter if i pin them or watch them carefully. you can see 2 leaves don't meet at the stems...we'll call that art. LOL   and the large pink flowers have lopsided petals that i just couldn't get to meet properly in the middle.

But i guess for a first try it is ok. and i'm thinking....if i hand applique the other 3 blocks ....and by the time i am done with those...will they look better?  will it make the first block look worse?  decisions, decisions.

1 comment:

  1. I think it looks beautiful!! A lot of hard work went into that I know, one hand applique hater to another :0)


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