Sunday, January 9, 2011

I survived the city...LOL

I did a quick turn-around and came back home today.

Went to JoAnn's and looked for the blue/green fabrics and couldn't find them on the walls with the separated colors....i was sure that was where i found them. then i started up and down the aisles and lo and behold...there they were. so i snatched them up.

I really wanted 3 more cream/beige pieces. they did not have any of what i started out with. but i did find a great polka dot that was the opposite coloration of the one i had. and i found 1 more piece that would work.

So i made a side trip to Jackman's fabrics and found 2 more neutrals that would work, also. so now i am good to go.

I had a 40% off coupon at JoAnn's so i found a bolt of muslin that i use for backings. i was almost out of it was a good buy. in their flyer they had packaged batting on sale for 50% off...but it didn't start until sunday. so i went back by there this morning on the way home and picked up some packages....savings showed $98 on my receipt. woohoo!!

So now i am all stocked up for awhile and will be putting the pedal to the medal on the sewing machine.

On the way home i stopped at the grocery store and picked up a couple boneless pork roasts and had the butcher grind them up for me. much quicker than dragging out my grinder for 2 packages of meat. i bought some Chorizo seasoning a couple weeks ago and am going to mix it up and give it a try for breakfast tomorrow. i sure hope it is good. it is from   we get our pinto bean seasoning from them, too. in case you don't know..Chorizo is mexican sausage. we had a butcher in our little town grocery store that made this sausage when i was a kid and it was so good. Chorizo is good with scrambled eggs.

Gotta go mix up some sausage and do a bit of piecing. then back to the studio tomorrow.

Stay dry and warm.

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