Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Neutral crazy quilt

I have lots of piecing projects ongoing at the house that i could be working on....the green selvage quilt; the selvage tumbler blocks; the paper piecing vegetables from way back; the little 5" scrap blocks, etc.

And you know i need about 12 projects going at once to feel satisfied and stressed. so i drug out my neutral crazy quilt blocks to work on a bit last night. i had already done 8 blocks...every 4 identical and put them together into a larger block to form a pinwheel in the center. then i had stitched the seams with rick rack and lace and other goodies. i kind of liked it when i did them. but when i took them back out last night i realized they were awful and just threw them away. so last night i started over and did these 4 blocks.

no planning on placement of fabrics except to not use the same fabric twice in a block. but each block is the same pattern....paper pieced. i will stitch the seam embellishments by hand rather than adding other things. i think i will like that better. the ones that i threw away were just gaudy...yeck!

The plan for this is to be a queen size quilt for my bedroom in the ugly duckling....some day. so there is no hurry on it. might do a few more blocks before it gets put away again for a while.

On another note.... I did decide to hand applique all 4 basket blocks on my class quilt so i will work on that in the evenings till they are done...then get back to the Amish cross stitch.

I do wish they would put more things worth watching on TV. normally i am not a tv watcher at all. but while i am stitching in the evenings i have the tv on to amuse myself. my first choice is to watch HGTV....i like the home shows....especially house hunters international. and occasionally there is a good movie that i haven't seen. but for the most part....TV Sucks. who is in charge of all these shows...they need new people making decisions.

Better get back to quilting or the quilt on the frame will never get done. the deadline in my head is to be done for monday's quilt class so i can take it to its owner. but if we get all the snow they are predicting....i might not GET to quilt class. but i better go quilt anyway....just in case.

If you have snow.....i hope you are staying warm.....if you don't have snow....i am jealous.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shirley - I get so caught up in your postings, it's like I'm standing right next to you listening. What a gift you have of conveying thoughts and feelings. So if I were standing next to you, I would say, "Why don't you use the fancy-dancy stitches built into your DSM on those seams? Sure beats hand stitching!"


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