Wednesday, January 12, 2011

UFO Challenge #6 is finished

The quilting year is starting off good. i have my January #6 quilt finished for Judy's UFO Challenge. i am calling it the Morphing Pinwheel. the top was already done...all i had to do was quilt and bind it. So, 1 UFO out of the cabinet. Yea!!!

I started with this square in a square block at the top and alternated between red and white. ... using up more stash.

And at the end it morphed into a pinwheel ..the last 2 rows were 'morphing' pretty dramatically. the idea came out of the further recesses of my brain.

It was quilted with a lovely panto design from Quiltazoid.

So now i shall finish off the month with customer quilts and await next month's quilting UFO number and the monochromatic color. this is such fun...hope you are playing along


Debbie said...

Interesting idea...lovely quilt

kwiltnkats said...

Shirley, nice work. I've had that quilting pattern or something very similar called Confetti put on a couple of my quilts. It is real nice and happy. I chuckle at your morphed quilt and the name is just perfect for it. Great that you were able to use up stash too. What's up for #10?

Jo said...

Isn't it great to have a project out and finished!! It looks great!

Heather said...

LOL I like the way you think! Great job, and congrats on your finish! :o)

Carol said...

So pretty! It's hard to go wrong with red and white. Congratulations on your finish!

Quilter Kathy said...

Neat idea for your quilt design!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Love those bright reds! :)

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