Saturday, June 1, 2024

May Challange results

 May was a very busy month and I worked right down to the wire.

Challenges were:

1...Turn a box of blue scraps into scrappy blocks....done.

120 blocks done and sold on eBay. 96 blocks still for sale on eBay.

2...Finish the monthly snowman studio wall hangings for the year....done.

Put the binding on December yesterday but didn't get a pic of it.

3...Piece 80 log cabin blocks with flowers and birds.....done and sold on eBay

I also finished the Bob blocks. Just need to piece them into a quilt top.

Started the animal puzzles for Barb. got the lion finished. These are on hold till I get more of the thick stabilizer.

Signed up for a sew along with Scott of my favorite designers. It is called Stars and Bars. Last Monday's job was to cut out all the pieces.  Took me 3 days. haha  Will get new instructions each Monday.

Working on the embroidered heart blocks. Got half of them pieced together.

I think that is it for May.

June's challenges are...

1...Embroider cards for Barb.  I have 7 or 8 done so far.

I am fusing fabric to the inside to cover the stitches.

A few more....

2...Turn 2 boxes of brown scraps into scrappy blocks. There will be lots of them. I have started on them.

3...Piecing a framed 9 patch quilt with 1.5" squares. There are a few blocks done, but this is going to take a while.

Also, I still am working on...

..Bona Lisa  ... got 3 more blocks to do.
..Quilted Twins Mystery Challenge. Waiting for the fabric to get here.
..Sweet Pea's House of the month.  These are on hold till I get my embroidery machine back from the shop. I'll be behind for May and June.

It's going to be a busy month this time, too.

Hope you are having fun with all your own projects.

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