Sunday, January 2, 2011

Yellow monochromatic top is finished

I am playing along with JudyL's monochromatic quilt challenge this year. for January we need to make a YELLOW quilt. my top got finished today. so i am starting out the month well...2 days to get the first challenge done. of course, it still needs to be quilted to be 'finished' but i can do it. it is about 50"x60" and will get a fast panto and be a donation. i used scrap yellows for the background and cut 8" blocks. then put yellow selvages on each block from corner to corner to cover half of it. put a column of flying geese going up and one going down. and some flying randomly in the middle. camera is at the studio so i don't have a pic right now but will show you when it is quilted.

I feel good to have the top done.


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