Monday, February 28, 2011

Blog Give-Away Winner!!

Here we are at the end of February already....and the date i chose for my first blog give-away.

I had 13 comments and asked my hubby for a number between 1 and 13....he chose 7.

So, #7 was Sharon and her comment was...

Anonymous said...

I am wondering when you will get back to the remodeling job. The book looks great.


So, Sharon....send me an email with your name and address and i'll get this fabulous book right out to you. email is
For the rest of you....better luck next time. who knows when the next give-away might happen.
Thanks for reading my blog and thanks for the great comments.
p.s. ...  i'll have photos in a day or 2 of my day of demolition at the Duck.  it was fun

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