Saturday, February 19, 2011

I need one-stop shopping!

I need a Quilt Walmart....a place you can go and find whatever you need that is quilt related. one stop shopping. no running all over town. no spending hours on the internet. why hasn't someone done this yet?

I need 2 things......Steam-a-Seam 2 and some Clover fusible red bias tape. doesn't sound like anything earth shattering or exotic, does it?

I have been wanting to try the SS2 for a while. currently i use the crap with wax paper on the back of it that falls off when you try to cut it or iron it and then gets all over your iron. i am so done with that stuff. So the last time i was at Joann's i looked for SS2...i only found it in a package....5  9x12 sheets for about $9. can't be THAT good...can it?  why is that so expensive.

So i go online and google it....lots of places come up. if you want to buy a bolt of it you better go to the bank first and take out a loan....$200....seriously....$200 for i think 25 yards. whew!!  and be careful looking because there is SS2 in rolls of thin tape....1/2"...i was almost fooled.

Finally found someone who sells it for $3 for the package of 5 pieces....ok, so i'll get 3 packages and give it a try. i better LOVE it. LOL   i found this person on Amazon of all places....i guess they have shops now like eBay. but the shipping on these 3 packages was more than the price of the SS2. that is just crazy.

Then i tried to find the red bias tape. there was NOWHERE where i could buy both my items from the same place. that is just ridiculous. but i did find another vendor...on Amazon again...and got some tape. there are larger packages....11 yards....and it is like $20. this stuff is high, too. but i found a 5.5 yard package for $8....still high. but, i got it....i need about a yard or a bit more. and the shipping on that was like $6. for pete's could stick it in an envelope and put 2 stamps on it to mail it.

This stuff better come delivered by armor truck with 2 guards. and i want it wrapped it gold foiled paper, too.

Sometimes i hate online shopping. i need a Quilting Walmart....if you know of one...let me know, ok? i spent way too much money. i might need to get a cheaper hobby.   think i'll take up carving pine cones or something.

I'm gonna go sit in my chair and read and chill out.

1 comment:

  1. I think you will be glad that you bought a small package. SAS2 holds great but it's THICK and heavy. It certainly has benefits but you can't use it in all situations. I actually keep SAS, Wonderunder and Mistyfuse on hand. I use the MF the most now.


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