Friday, March 25, 2011

2 quilted and 1 pieced

Yesterday at the studio i dug in the 'to be quilted' closet and came out with 2 tops that had marinated long enough and needed to be quilted.

Then i dug on the FatBack shelve and found a red backing for them. i buy the end of bolt backings from Wilma at   so i measured to see if i had enough to do both at once. they wouldn't fit lengthwise....the way i would load them usually....but it would be ok if i loaded them the long after the other.

The first one to be quilted was this bright red, white and blue that i call the 4th of July (how imaginative..LOL)  if i remember correctly, it was a Judy Laquidera pattern from last year.   i love her stuff and read her blog daily to laugh at her adventures with her chickens and her husband, Vince...the man in the green shirt. LOL

Here is a closer shot

I probably should have played with it a bit more to get more imaginative in the setting....but i liked the blue and red crosses.

Here is the is really a dark red but i lightened it up so you could see the quilting stitches. i just did a circular thing...all over...crossing over the circles....using many different sizes....all freehand.

Then i loaded these playful puppies. i had cut these out probably a year or so ago and pieced it in January.

They are embroidered blocks and i like them a lot. some little child will enjoy snuggling with them.

The puppies are just full of mischief.

I used a large meander on it and used up batting scraps...there are probably 20 pieces of batting in this quilt. i spray basted the backing and just laid down the batting a jigsaw puzzle. i made sure to quilt a lot over the edges to keep them all down nice and sturdy.

Here is the backing...the same as the other quilt.

Remember i said i was to load them sideways so they fit on the guessed it...i loaded the puppies the way i usually do and got to the bottom of the quilt and need about 2 more inches of backing. well...shoot....bad word....stupid...bad word...woman....bad word .... brain.... siggghhh!!

So, i had to unload the whole damn thing....cut the 2 quilts apart....add another piece of backing to the bottom...luckily i had enough on the sides. then add a piece of muslin to the top so i could reload it. had i done it planned...the first time... i would have been done an hour earlier. i seem to like making my life harder than it needs to be. i need to make myself some signs that say THINK and hang them around the studio. LOL

A few days ago i found some cut pieces in a clue when i cut them....didn't even recognize most of the fabrics...who knows how long they were in there. but there were lots of rectangles and border fabrics so i pieced it together and this is what i got.

The rectangles were 3.5 x 6.5" so putting them together gave me a 6" block (after piecing). i paired a red and a green and alternated direction of stitching. i chain pieced them all together in an hour or so. they remind me of HS i think i shall call them HS Blocks. LOL

I realize that i could have stairstepped them and got a pattern but i like the randomness better. there are actually a couple of places with 'steps'... had i noticed this while piecing i would have changed it. This was  a great quilt pattern so i have already cut out more HSs out of the Cabin Cats fabric for Cabin Cats V. 

Now this one has to go in the cabinet to be quilted. BUT i took 2 out and only put 1 back i am making progress in the right direction.

Since my plans to go to the Duck for demolition today were foiled by Mother Nature...we got some sleet this morning...and they say snow tomorrow....i shall load a customer quilt today and work on that. the Duck can wait till next week. i can't work with cold fingers.

Piece and quilt....piece and quilt...a vicious cycle.

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