Monday, March 14, 2011

8 bolts of Cabin Cats fabrics's what i think. i got these 8 partial bolts of fabric at my friends sale....they are called Cabin Cats. they all go together so i figure i should make something cute with it. each bolt has at least 4 yards on it....some of them more.

So my brain came up with an idea. i am going to see how many quilts i can make with only these 8 bolts of fabric. use them all up. no other fabric allowed....just these 8. each quilt wouldn't have to use EACH of these fabrics....but i couldn't add any other different fabrics. just a little contest with myself. (yeah, i know....i'm a strange person....can't help it). LOL

So, in doing the Bali Pops top the other day that went so quickly i figured that would be my first top for these. i cut out 40  2.5 inch strips last night before i left the studio and took them to the house. this morning i put them together and got this for the middle.

Now i'm gonna go cut some borders for it and finish it off. i think the next top might be a Take 5...that is quick and easy. that seems to be my operating motto lately...quick and easy.

How many tops do you think i can make? they will be in the at least 80 x 90 inch range. perhaps larger.
Do you have a pattern i should use that is quick and easy?
How long do you think this will take me?
Say...there might be a contest in all this somewhere.....whatca think?

Give me your can skip the 'crazy' thought....i already know that one.

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