Saturday, March 19, 2011

Cabin Cats #3....Log Cabin

The Cabin Cats had to have a log cabin block. well....a log cabin quilt.  because i used the pictures in the middle of the blocks and wanted them to stay upright....i could not make some fancy-dancy design with the blocks. so it is just a plain setting. but i guess that is a bit unusual in itself since you hardly ever see that.

This is just the top...not quilted yet. once i have all the Cabin Cats tops completed...then i will quilt them all up.

I actually meant to make 20 blocks but somehow made 30....i swear....i think my mind is just gone. so this got a bit larger than i intended.

The first border is the blue cats then the last border is the fabric with all the designs.....the lines with the baskets, cats, and all the rest.

I really like all these fabrics together. this came out to be 80 x 92" and used 7.25 yards of fabric.

Coming up next.....#4 Cabin Cats...Stripes


  1. This looks like #1 Attic Windows; #2 a piece of art with a frame around it !! Just a thought for when you are quilting. Sometimes we don't see the forest for the trees ....


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