Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cross-stitching and tshirt yarn

The hand applique quilt corner blocks are now finally finished....after procrastinating for some time on the last one. so i need to move on to the next nighttime project to keep my fingers busy (instead of clicking the mouse on those computer games...LOL).

So i am starting the second in the series of 3 Amish pictures that i have to cross stitch. this picture is the middle one and about twice as wide as the first one.

The chart covers more than one page in the book.....i won't think about all those stitches yet. the first picture took me 31 days to finish....i'm thinking this one will take 2 months. oh well, what else do i have to do with my life, right?

I got started about 8:30 and went to bed at 1am. tv absolutely sucked last night...everything was either too stupid to watch or a repeat. usually i have HGTV on and am watching the housing shows...they were all repeats. blech!!!   this is how much progress i made in that time.

Yep, top border and cloud outlines. a very long way to go. this is where you will find me most evenings for the next 60 days....working away diligently.

In my blog reading the other morning i came across Polka Dot Pineapple....what a cool name for a blog. on her march 27, 2008 post she has a tutorial for making tshirt yarn. you can crochet or knit things with it....rugs, placemats, mug rugs, etc. i was intrigued....or perhaps just easily impressed. LOL   i loved the idea and went in seach of a tshirt to try it out. my closet is full of tshirts but options were small.....they either had something embroidered on them or it was a favorite that i didn't want to use. but someone had to be a volunteer. so i chose a lime green that i had dyed some time ago.

Her instructions were so easy to follow....lots of pics, too. after just a few minutes i now have a ball of lime green tshirt yarn. more to follow....another excuse for a thrift store trip...need more volunteer tshirts to cut up.

The Duck needs a lovely colorful crocheted rug by the bed. and perhaps another by the back door...and who knows where else. would be nice to find lots of white shirts that i could dye all different colors. the search is on.....woohoo!

If you want some tshirt yarn too....go check out this blog.. fun, fun, fun

Time to go finish up that customer quilt on the frame. and then quilt my #1 UFO challenge for this month.



  1. Ya know, Shirley, you have more energy than God gives 2 5-year olds. If I still had my longarm, I would trade it to you for just 1/4 of your energy. I love watching all you do and how well you do it. Thank you for being my "friend in the box".

  2. Loved the polkadotpineapple blog, that was cool! Maybe I'll have to put that on my Looooong list of things to try! hehehehe!!


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