Saturday, April 23, 2011

Cabin Cats #6.....Boxed Squares

Another Cabin Cats top is pieced...#6. this pattern is called Boxed Squares and you can find the instructions on    she has lots of easy patterns.

This turned out to be 64 x 76 inches. it is a bit dark and could have used more contrast....but i worked with what i had.

The pattern was quick and easy and went together in no time. I like the stripe for the final border. puts the whole thing in a log cabin....where cabin cats should be.

I pieced a binding with scraps from all the fabrics just to use more of it up. i swear these bolts of fabric will never end. although i have less than a yard of 4 of the fabrics....i still have 2 fabrics wrapped on bolts. there will probably be 3 more quilts made from these fabrics. who knew you could get so many.

But it is fun trying to come up with different patterns to use it all up. let's see what i figure out next.

Maybe you have some bolts of fabric of your own.....see how many quilts you can get out of them. it might surprise you.


  1. I like your quilt, think the dark colors work great and the stripe border is perfect. I've made this quilt a couple times for baby quilts. It's a fun, fast one.

  2. I love everything about the quilt. Thanks for the link.


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