Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Demolition Day #1 ---- Friday

I got to the Duck all excited about demolition as i hadn't been there due to cold and nasty weather for a month or more. i have great visions (in my head) for the bathroom and i wanted to move the existing bathroom wall over 2 feet...so i decided to start there. the future office area is on the other side of the bathroom wall.

This is what the office wall looked like before i started....this is the left side.  see, i have a nice tall  10' ladder....my ceilings are rather tall.

Here is the right side of that wall...there is a doorway here that they sealed shut..it used to lead to a tiny 'hallway' area that went into the bathroom. see how straight that door was hanging?

This is the wall i want to move....so the first step is to rip off all that ugly warped paneling and knock out the inch thick plaster and take out the wooden slats. and take the door and door frame out. here it is after i worked my magic. LOL  you can still see all the plaster dust in the air....hahahahahaha    or perhaps it is on the camera lens. i did keep the camera in the kitchen...under wraps...but everything, including myself, was covered in plaster dust by the end of the day.

In that first pic the door is still there...but here the door and framing is gone and you can see right through the tiny hallway straight into the kitchen....that door goes down into the creepy basement.

I found some lovely old 1/2 inch thick black fabric covered wiring in the wall. i also found an old rusted ice pick in this wall.

While i was working my magic here...my sister was removing tiles from the bathroom. she fell in love with the tiny 1 inch tiles on the bathroom floor and wanted them for the beast. also...notice the toilet seat in the bathtub???....that is the bucket toilet. there is a 5 gallon bucket under that seat. LOL   the plumbing is missing parts in the basement and can't be used so we are making do. actually, we haven't used it YET....so far we are going across the alley to the Pizza Hut. when you walk in their door...the bathrooms are right there....sometimes no one notices that you popped in and out and didn't come to eat pizza. LOL   AND...since i took the door and wall out in the bathroom.....i have moved the bucket toilet to the pantry area....off the kitchen.....a nice relaxing out of the way area. hahahahahahaha 

Aren't they cute?

She has been cleaning, counting and sorting these tiny tile....i believe last count was over 2100 of them. this is what the floor looks like now.

I'll tell you...after just that little bit of work on Friday....i crashed about 9pm. i did manage to whack my right thumb early in the day and take off some hide. it sort of smarts!

But i think we got a good first day going....tomorrow will be much better....i'm sure.

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