Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Demolition Day #3 --- Sunday

Sunday...the day of the Lord....another day of demolition....and a few prayers to the Lord so i wouldn't whack my thumb yet again. it didn't work.....i whacked it for the third time...same thumb.....it didn't even faze me this time...i think i am getting used to it. i better pray harder.

Same routine...crawl out of bed....take some ibuprophen....head on over to the duck.

Today my helper should show up...perhaps with a buddy....and this place will get cleaned up some. we agreed on 9am....but he didn't show until 9:30...not a good beginning. and, his buddy wouldn't come with him...so he brought his girlfriend. well, she was quite the worker and hauled trash for over an hour. then just went behind Rick and cleaned up after him.

I put Rick to work on the bathroom wall. i could not budge that plywood that they had nailed up there.....nails about every 4 inches....long 3 inch nails. not enough muscle in me. And it took Rick a bit of work, too. but after about an hour he got both pieces of plywood off the wall and we are now down to studs for the wall between the bathroom and the office area. yah!!!!  it's good to have help with muscle.

The bathroom door is now removed. under the ceramic tile...the wall was once purple...and see the cute fish decals there on the left?

Here is the view from the office to the bathroom

Progress. yeah, all that other stuff still has to come out of there...but the wall is gone...baby steps.

Next i put Rick to work taking the plywood out of the closet area. i had trouble there, too. the plywood was nailed securely and there wasn't a lot of manuvearablility (is that a word?...did i even spell it right?) LOL  let's just say i couldn't move around in there well enough to get some umpphh behind the crowbar. but man muscle took care of it. check it out...down to studs on the wall between the bedroom and the closet.

Along with hauling out all the trash that my sister and i had accumulated....Rick and Carrie also cleaned up all the mess that he had torn up. they were both hard workers and earned every bit of their pay. in fact, after wrestling with the bathroom plywood wall...rick said....hey, i have a small generator that i can bring next week....and some man tools....and we can do this much faster. hahahahaha    i agreed that was a good idea.

So, friday of this week will find me back out at the duck...getting ready for Rick on saturday. he will bring his generator and man tools and take out more walls. and i will be busy taking down window and door facings and baseboards and trim and try and keep ahead of him. perhaps i won't whack my thumb anymore.

Oh, and i found a sledge hammer in the bedroom wall. after finding the ice pick and the sledge hammer...my sis said if i find a body next...she is out of there. LOL     the body is probably in the basement....it is FULL of trash.

And somehow we managed to lose a hammer. i think it got shoveled up with all the plaster debris. but i went and bought 2 more hammers and another pry bar. and some red duct tape and wrapped it around the handles in the hopes it will be seen better in the trash.

So much for 3 days of destruction. now for some pretty quilting for a few days. and rest up for next weekend. what are you doing next weekend???...want to tear up stuff?

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry I"m too busy next weekend to physically tear stuff up with you ... but I have so much fun "helping" you virtually ... I even cuss when you hit your thumb! Hope it helps with the pain a little ......


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