Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Demolition Days #4, 5 and 6

Three more days of tearing off plaster walls, moving doors to the garage, and taking off window and door frames. going up and down, up and down, and up and down some more on the ladder. my feet are TIRED.

I figure i am about 10% done...maybe. all the windows have the frames removed and look like this. i cover the windows with paper when i leave for the day. the broken windows have a piece of plywood nailed over them. it  is so ghetto. LOL

And all doors are removed to the garage and doorways now look like this.

There are a lot of walls that look like this.

Since i took that picture....all the slats that you see are gone. i think there are now 6 walls that are just studs. and lots more to go.

My worker has figured out the easist way to get the job done. first he knocks off all the plaster and then carries it out to the garage. then he pulls all the slats off and puts them in his pickup...he and his friends are using them for firewood in outside fire pits. then he bags up all the blown in insulation from the outside walls and carries that out to the garage. it seems to make less of a mess that way and keeps the debris manageable. he cleans up every night before he leaves and does a good job. i am so happy to have found a guy that will work hard for what i can afford to pay him.

After taking out the closet walls and part of the living room.....we found the chimney. whoever put this chimney in did a poor job. the mortar is all slopping out and about halfway up the bricks no longer match up. can you see it there....on the far right side of the picture?

I got ceiling tiles off the living room .... i just have the kitchen, hallway and laundry to go with those ceiling tiles. i don't even want to think about getting back on that ladder and pulling out all those dang staples. and i knocked down all the plaster in this room, too. i was feeling a bit guilty that Rick was doing all the 'nasty' work. LOL

Plus i have to get up there and take down ceiling fans....in every room. there are 6 or 7 fans that are trashed and need to be replaced.

While Rick was taking down walls in the living room i was trying to stay out of the way so i wandered over to the other side of the house and started taking out trim and plywood off walls in the kitchen. i found drywall under the plywood here....so this was remodeled in later years. i found this grossness on one wall. and i pulled up a piece of cracked linoleum only to find more linoleum under that. that layer seems to be glued down better. but the piece i pulled up is tacked down with upholstery nails...yep....all the way across one wall by the basement door. guess it was coming up and they figured that was the best way to fix it....upholstery nails....EVERY INCH. the kind with the big fat decorative head...that is about 1/2" wide. hahahahahahahahaha

I got tired and needed a sit down job so i wandered into the laundry room to take out trim and a shelve and light and tried to take up some floor tiles. it's pretty gross, too. everywhere there was a water connection.....there was a leak. there was a florescent small light tacked to the wall...one of those kind that are about 18" long and usually mounted under a kitchen cabinet. they had the cord cut and then wired to a switch to they could turn it on when the switch was flipped on. the cord went into the light switch...and then back out at the bottom and plugged into the wall plug. how dumb was that? if you're gonna hard wire it into the switch, at least hide the cord in the wall. people!!!!

I emptied kitchen cabinets.....why do people leave junk when they move....throw that crap out. i filled a trash bag with plastic lids from who knows what...a frying pay with a broken handle....pot lids..glass and metal...a pot.....rock formations for an aquarium..along with plastic plants. many curtain rod holders...and lots of miscellaneous stuff....an allen wrench, a small double sided wrench, some fuses, etc, etc.   siggghh!!!

Each night i was so tired that i fell asleep about 8...but then woke up about 2....ready to roll. well, if i had electricity at the duck i probably would have gone on over and went to work. but i waited till daylight. one morning i just got up, took a book and a bottle of water and went downstairs, found a chair and a lamp and read till daylight. manual labor wears me out. LOL

My sister said i was no fun this weekend. i worked my house and she worked hers. we usually got together for lunch and in the evenings. but i fell asleep early. LOL

I won't get back out to the Duck for about a month. got to catch up on some quilting and then have a trip planned to visit my son in Texas. gives me time to rest my weary feet, my thumb to get all healed up from being repeatedly whacked, and scratches to heal on my hands and legs. but then i'll be anxious to go do it all over again.

Stay safe and think of me if you are doing your own demolition.


  1. I'm enjoying your project, and wish I lived close enough to help!! Love the demo part!! LOL!

  2. Shirley, you do not know how much I admire you! That you tackle these jobs just amaze me. The duck is going to be a swan one of these days.

  3. You know, my original idea of a stick of dynamite, would have blown up that pretty post card!! But it would have saved you one heck of a lot of work!


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