Wednesday, April 27, 2011

What is this???

I was getting ready to close the blinds in my studio for the day and saw this stuck on my screen...outside.

It is the hugest butterfly or moth or whatever that i have ever seen. it's at least 4 inches from head to tail

It's shades of browns and tans with a fat belly. it has 6 legs and has itself plastered against the screen. where feelers would be are clear, see through things that are shaped like leaves...about 1/4" long with tiny tan lines going all through veins on leaves. it's belly is about 1/2 inch wide and a bit over 1 inch long. i can see that he is just pressed up against the seems the screen is making little square marks on his belly.

It is raining out there and the wind is blowing and this guy is blowing in the breeze but hanging on. and doesn't seem concerned that i am on the other side of the glass and taking photos of him. i wish i weren't leaving town tomorrow...i would love to see if he was still there tomorrow.

Whatever it is fascinating. i keep going back to look at it again. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Shirley my best guess is UGLY!!!! Other than that I don't know.


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