Monday, May 23, 2011

#9 Challenge - North Pole Village

Want to feel like Christmas? .... visit the North Pole Village. i am loving this quilt. i don't know if it is the white (muslin) background....all the little shops....or just the playfulness of it. but it is fun. it turned out to be 90x100"   there were 34 applique blocks in the NP Village embroidery unusual number to set evenly. so i embroidered 4 more houses from another set and 4 snowmen blocks so i would have 42 blocks and could set 6x7.  works for me

Blocks row first...left to right
 ... Public library ... the elfs like to read in the off season
 ... Home ... it is a lot of fun to live in the NPV
 ... Egg Nog Pub ... another pastime of the elfs in the off season
 ... Tea House ... Mrs. Claus runs this is just lovely
 ... Church ... the little country church
 ... Sweet Shop ... this is where all the candy is made that goes into children's stockings

Blocks 7-12 ... top row first...left to right
 ... Hot Cocoa ... a very busy place
 ... Home ... an architect lives here in his very imaginative house
 ... Angel Snowman ... it's her job to look after NPV and keep everyone safe
 ... Barber Shop ... Santa does need a trim every once in a while
 ... Bank ... the elfs all have accounts here....Christmas Club Accounts  LOL
 ... Teddy Bear Shop ... this is one of the busiest shops in the NPV

Blocks 13-18 ... top row first ... left to right
 ... Home ... Hansel and Gretel retired here
 ... Snowman family ... the elfs love making snowmen
 ... Santa Claus Castle ... Santa's residence....he has a man cave in the basement
 ... Yarn Shop ... Mrs. Claus' sister runs this is full of yummy yarn
 ... North Pole Railway Station ... a very busy place
 ... Elf School ... what??... you didn't know elfs had to go to school?

Blocks 19-24 .... top row first ... left to right
 ... Reindeer Stables ... Santa's friends are treated really well here ... they have heated stalls
 ... City Hall ... a pretty quiet real problems in NPV
 ... Home ... this is the banker's home...he is very prosperous
 ... Sleigh Repair Shop ... Frankie stays pretty busy here
 ... Fire Station ... sometimes the elfs help wash the truck
 ... Pie Shop ... Santa's favorite place (don't tell Mrs. Claus)

Blocks 25-30 ... top row first ... left to right
 ... Clock Shop ... Santa doesn't want to be late...all clocks have to run perfectly
 ... Ed's Gas Station ... Santa gave his brother Ed a job to keep him out of trouble
 ... Faith Church ... the city church
 ... Newstand ... it's good to know what is happening around the world
 ... North Pole Photos ... this shop is mainly for the tourists
 ... Town Christmas Tree ... this huge tree is set up every year on the road coming into town

Blocks 31-36 ... top row first ... left to right
 ... Post Office ... this is one busy place....all year round ... only Santa's mail goes here
 ... Snow family ... the kids in the country made these snowmen
 ... Ice Cream Shop ... oh my goodness...such delicious treats that are here
 ... Santa's Diner ... Santa loves to cook and can often be found behind the grill
 ... Home ... a widow lady lives here....she makes cookies for the elfs
 ... Christmas Tree Lot ... the place to go for the tallest, straightest trees

Blocks 37-39 ... left to right
 ... Snow family ... people in town love to make snow families
 ... Home .. Mrs. Claus' sister, Vera, lives is just the right size for her
 ... Milk and Cookies Shop ... elfs get to taste test all the new recipes

Blocks 40-42 ... left to right
 ... Bakery ... Santa is hooked on the cream puffs here (again, don't tell the Mrs.)
 ... Toy Store ... the elfs keep this shop packed full for the tourists
 ... Post Office ... the 'official' post office of the town...the mail for the villagers goes here

And there you have it....the North Pole Village tour....makes you want to go visit, doesn't it?

The back is lime green with a piece of army green attached to the side to make it large enough.

I used a bright white thread for the top except for the last border...there i switched to a dark gray so it wouldn't be a glaring white thread on the green. the bottom thread was lime green...except for the final border which was a darker green. the thread situation turned out just right....i ran out of the white and lime just as i finished. this quilt was all about using up.....fabrics and threads. worked out!

I made my challenges for May on ready for June.


  1. Shirley I love this! I've made three tree skirts for nephews and nieces from these designs. You should send the pics and story to JuJu. She would love it!!

  2. Beautiful embroidery and beautiful work. Just lovely. Judy C in NC

  3. How fun! I am wishing I had a Christmas UFO to work on! Congrats on a lovely finish!

  4. Very sweet! I'm going to have to make a Christmas quilt one day! Nice job finishing!


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