Wednesday, May 25, 2011

eBay is my friend

In trying to bust my stash of older fabric that i no longer want....i am trying to think outside the box to get rid of it. i've given hundreds of yards away....but sometimes even your friends won't take some stuff. and i am on a mission to rid my studio of this old fabric. so i sorted in stacks; kids, animals, light florals,dark florals, misc. i listed everything, took measurements, and took pictures. i had 5 boxes ready to go. i put them on eBay last week and waited. but people don't usually bid until the last day or so. and today is my last day for these boxes. 4 out of the 5 have sold.

That is 80 yards going out.     80 yards.    i am so happy about that. it's like a cloud has lifted to see those empty shelves.  this was all good cotton fabric...just not the latest out there. shoot, some of it is probably 20 years old. but it will be going to live in someone's else's house and that just tickles me. i hope they make lots of great quilts and things.

i still have enough for 2 or 3 boxes but ran out of time. i will try and get those out there when i get back from the duck next week.

I am trying some hand applique on my Dear Jane blocks. so far, i have 2 of them finished.

There is B1.....just some circles....fairly easy and quick.

And this is B12   and bit more challenging but not bad.

That makes 10 i have done so far this month. i am taking more of the applique blocks with me to the duck so hopefully in the evenings i won't be too tired to work on them. i have the pieces all cut out and the blocks marked...ready to go. usually when i have worked out there all day i fall asleep about 8pm...LOL...sad, i know...but demolition is hard work. but maybe if i have something to keep busy with i will stay up at least till 10.

I'm leaving for the Duck tomorrow afternoon and won't be back till Sunday some time. hopefully with pictures to show you of some progress. i am hauling the riding mower on a trailer so i can cut the grass out there. i am having my push mower turned into an electric when that is finished it will go to live at the duck. i am also going to measure the wall space in the living room and dining room so i can figure out how many boards i need to cover it. my friend, Judy, is sharing her old barn wood with me and i am going to put it on the walls.

See you on Sunday or Monday next week. try and stay dry and out of trouble.

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