Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May is for Red

Why is Red for May? because that is the color that JudyL pulled for our monochromatic challenge for May. and you know i had red selvages...right? so it was a no brainer.

This turned out to be 60x90"...i was planning on making it wider but ran out of red selvages....imagine that. LOL  in fact, some of this has red strips in it.

But it is still a good size for snuggling on the couch.

It seems these days that i like the scrap and selvage quilts better than a patterned one. maybe because i am trying to get rid of all my selvages and scraps.....a huge undertaking to be sure.

The back is something that i had enough of....a stripe that i had gotten from my friend Marilea at her $1 a yard summer sale.

It's more of an orange/brown color .... but, hey....there was enough of it and it works for me.

Now i am off to load the second challenge quilt for this month on the frame...#9...the North Pole Village. it is queen size and will take a few days.

I wonder what happened to spring here in Missouri. the heater is back on....it is rainy, windy and chilly. no garden is planted. grass needs to be cut again...but it is too wet and muddy. Mother Nature is playing some sort of joke on us and so far i don't get it. where's my warmth of the sun so my arthritic joints don't creak. i suppose i should be happy there's not a tornado or flood or something equally devastating.

Wonder what color June will be....perhaps blue for the sky or green for the grass. we'll see


  1. Not only is it cool but you used ALL of your red selvages! That must feel great!

  2. I love the red selvege quilt! You are awesome Shirley.

  3. It's a fabulous quilt, and how wonderful to use ALL your red selvages.

  4. very nice, i can see a string top in my future! every month when the colors get posted I get so many ideas! cw

  5. I love your selvage quilt. It looks like it's hanging nicely too. BTW, what do you use to hang it with for picture taking?? Inquiring minds want to know. Thanks Dar

  6. That is a lot of selvages! I could look at that all day!

  7. What a lot of work! Love your quilt!

  8. LOVE IT!!! It is beautiful! Very inspiring

  9. This is awesome! I collect selvages too, but mine are not organized by color... maybe a mistake now that I see this quilt. I am just thrilled with what you've done here... It's beautiful!


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