Saturday, May 21, 2011

One thing leads to another

For some is hard for us here on the farm to just do one thing. to do one thing usually involves doing 2 or 3 other things first.

I want to put old barn wood on the walls in the duck because i think it will be way cool and very artistic. so, i am looking for barn wood. friend Judy has barn wood and is willing to share with me. so i tell my dh that i have found wood and as soon as i measure how much i need we can go and pick it up.

So, he says well, we will need the large trailer since they are probably 8 to 10 feet long (they are). problem says I.

Well, just a small problem...we will need new tires on the trailer to carry that large a load. ok...go get new problem says I.

Well, just a small problem....we need to empty the trailer is full of cut tree logs that have to be split. lots and lots of logs. Dang....problem....

So, for the last 2 mornings we have spent about 3 hours each morning splitting logs and stacking them in the woodshed.  sure glad dh bought me that wood splitter for my birthday last year. LOL  finally the trailer is empty. now dh is driving the trailer over to the place where he buys the tires. hopefully they can get them on first thing monday and THEN we will be ready to go and pick up soon as i measure to see how much i need.

Oh, yeah, and before we take the trailer load of wood to the Duck.....he has to put new brake lights on the trailer, too. there ANYTHING ELSE we need to do to go get some wood?

I plan on going to the duck on i shall measure my walls and make space in the garage for a trailer load of barn wood.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is a Rachas thing, you can never just do one thing at a time! And don't EVER ask what is next!!


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