Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Before and After

Thought i would show you some of the outside progress on the Duck. there's not a LOT...but i think enough to get a start and possibly make the neighbors happier. LOL

This was a bush of some sort growing outside the bedroom window...along with vines coming into the house and a pile of weeds and crap.

This is what that corner looks like now. i still need to pull the roots out of there and rake up some. bet you didn't know the gas meter was in there...did you?

And the front was pretty rough....paper covering the doors and windows.....shrubs all overgrown over the steps....poor mailman....generally looking ghetto-like.

Now the paper covering windows and door are gone. i painted the inside of the door with white paint....from the outside it looks like there is just a white shade drawn....a little neater.

And i trimmed off the side of that shrub that was all over the steps. the mailman had to hate crawling all over that thing. eventually all those shrubs will be gone.

And near to the street was this other large bush-like plant growing. i didn't like it at all.

Now it is just down to a few trunks that will come out....maybe next trip. there were sticker bushes in there.....and some kind of vines....and some flowers....and a whole rotten trunk full of ants that i'm thinking was the original tree from years ago.

In the side yard was a raised garden type thing with boards around it....full of weeds and who knows what. you can see it there in the very left of the picture....that taller pile of weeds. LOL

The boards are now gone...along with the weeds. i found a tomato cage in there....a nice flower pot....and 2 little hand diggers.  the dirt there is about 6 inches higher than the yard. not sure if i will just spread that out or put a flower bed there. i'm thinking i want to put a water pond on that side....closer to the bedroom window.

I did do a bit of work inside. i opened up part of the wall between the bedroom and the studio. i still have to pick up all the plaster on the floor in there before i can take the rest of the slats off and get rid of the blown in insulation behind it. and the next trip i have to get on the ladder and take down the slats at the top.

And i took off more slats in the living room. and spent some time sweeping up the floors and putting all the debris in the middle of the room.

You can see that i painted these windows white also. it is easier with paint than with paper. it still prevents nosy nellies from seeing in but allows me to open windows easier and not have to keep replacing paper that falls off.

So, although i just spent one day and it didn't SEEM like i accomplished a lot....in fact, i actually did.

I really need some electric connection so i can plug in a fan or 2...it is getting warm in there.

Be back out in a couple weeks.....after my head injury feels better.

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