Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Here it is ---- June already!

Dang....where has the year gone.  i actually just planted a dozen tomato plants in the garden yesterday. they are still tiny so we shall see what happens. i also have 2 cushaw squash plants out there that i really, really want to grow and give me some squash so i can freeze it for pies. we are just about out from last year.

I did work on some Dear Jane blocks last night and looks like i made my prediction of 25 blocks done in May. although one of them is a border triangle...but i'm counting it anyway. it was a doozie.

This is my first border is on the top...1st from the left. i had to frog about 4 rows and have a do-over. i didn't have enough on the edges for the seam. but i finally got it together. and it looks like an easy one compared to some others. it was paper pieced.

D8   Stable magic and glue stick and machine buttonhole stitch. i never seem to get them straight. but when you look at the picture of Jane's....hers are a bit crooked, i don't feel bad.

K7   Stable magic and glue stick and machine buttonhole stitch.

J1   Stable magic and glue stick and machine buttonhole stitch.

C1   this one i just pieced as i went. cut the middle square as measured and then added the layers. not too bad. only had to redo the second layer once. LOL

I2   this one was also fairly simple. paper pieced the inside and added the triangles to the sides and trimmed down to 5".

I am going back out to the Duck tomorrow, so will take my DJ box with me and see what i can accomplish in the evenings.

Customer quilts are piling up....i really need to get busy there. and the UFO Challenge quilt this month from Judy Laquidara is not all there is another June project. the Mono Color challenge this month from Judy is Indigo....blah!....not my favorite. but i have a piece of backing that color (somewhat) that i am going to draw on and make a wholecloth quilt. it won't be too large....about 55" square. but the challenge will get done (hopefully).

I went out to pick up barn wood from my friend the other day and discovered that the boards were still attached....partial walls. so i am looking for some labor to disassemble them for friend judy thinks she has some leads on that project for me. so, hopefully soon i will have a trailer of barn wood to take to the duck for my living room wall. we are trading quilting for the wood so i will be quilting for her for a few years i think. LOL   that's ok.....judy is one of my favorite people.

Today was payday so i went to town to do some grocery shopping. my goodness...prices have gone up. and we have to get gas for the mowers and tractors and such. after paying electric and phone bills.....we are just waiting for the next payday now. we are fortunate that we can pay our bills and buy food and gas since so many cannot. and we have a home to live in. pray for Joplin folks.

Till next week.....stay out of trouble.

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