Friday, July 1, 2011

Just June Janes

Say that fast 3 times....Just June Janes....LOL

Here are the rest of the Dear Jane blocks that i have finished in June. i didn't do all of these last night.....i just found a few that i forgot to post. but i have them together in rows so pictures are not as good as i would like. and, in counting, i have 27 blocks done for 1 border triangle. so, June's number is 28.  WooHoo!!   i exceeded my expectations. now i feel good about myself and my self esteem is up. hahahahahaha

Here they are:

A3...simple hand no less

A4...paper pieced

A8...paper pieced

A9...paper pieced...check out those tiny, tiny pieces.

A11...paper pieced. i sort of simplified this one. the middle should have been 3 pieces and i made it one. and some of the background white pieces should have been 2 squares instead of 1 piece. doesn't bother me to change it and make it simpler. it still reads the same and from a difference....who will know.

A12...paper piecing more tiny pieces

A13...applique...this one i stitched down with a stitch on my little Janome piecing machine. the stitch could not be made smaller and i think it might be too large for this. perhaps if i had used invisible thread. but it was an experiment. i won't do it again....but i'm not taking it out either. LOL

And that concludes the first 'A' row...i have this row all stitched together. you use 1/2" finished strips between the blocks.

Here are the B's that i have finished this month.

B6...was paper pieced all in one whack...from the middle out. BUT....i SHOULD HAVE cut it in sections and did the middle in 2 pieces. i did some creative folding under of seams and top stitched. may take that top stitching out and use a less obvious thread choice. we'll see.


B8...another applique...with hand dyed fabric

B9..block basically paper pieced with applique center piece. wasn't watching and stitched that center down with a dark thread. dang it. you know i don't take stuff out and re-do. LOL  and i cheated here, too. there were more pieces...with Y i just made it all one piece.

B10....more tiny paper piecing. i like this block a lot for some reason

I have one more block to finish and then the 'B' row will be finished.

And i did a few more.

D4....applique with fussy cut pieces

D11...more applique with fussy cut those dots

And, that, ladies and gentlemen...concludes the Jane show for June.

My sis thinks i am wrong for not making the block as shown....that i shouldn't short-cut pieces or change things. but i do want this quilt done in my lifetime and don't want to put it in a bag because i am aggravated with it. so i think....all in all...having it get finished is better than another UFO. it works for about you? what do you think? i'll still like you if you think i'm wrong. LOL

July to-do list:
.. i have Laurie's quilt on the frame.
.. i am going to the Duck on the 8th and probably won't be back until the 13th.
.. Judy pulled Blue for the monochromatic color challenge this month.....i don't have the blocks pieced yet....shoot...i don't even have all the pieces cut out yet.
..Judy pulled #2 for the UFO challenge this month. i previously quilted that one but have substituted another in its place...just needs to be quilted.
.. quilt at least 2 customer quilts.

Dang.....that sounds like a lot. better go get started right now.

Now, that list was just the studio to-do list. we won't even count the home list. but hubby just came down to weed-eat the studio property....bless his heart....and gave me a couple things for my evenings to-do list.
.. trim grass around trees down driveway
.. cut up leftover lasagne to put in freezer for future dinners. we've eaten it for 2 days already
.. bake him a cake


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