Friday, August 26, 2011

Our excitement in the country

The last couple of days have just made us giddy. we have gotten something that we have needed for several years.

What could it be...

...a new tv? .... no

...a new vehicle?  .... nope

...won the lottery? .... nah....hahahaha

The county has resurfaced the road in front of our place. woohoo!!!    this is big time....this is celebration time....this is the talk of the town.

Sad...isn't it?   hahahahha   

But they have done nothing but patch, patch on this road for years. and i am sure one of the main reasons is that it is only about 5 miles long and about a dozen people live off this road.....none of them county officials. LOL   i guess we got some government money or something.

Last year there was some serious logging going on back in the woods and those damn logging trucks ran up and down this road all day long for weeks. needless to say...the road was even more pitted and tore up when they finally quit.

There was a rumor way back in the spring that it was gonna happen....but we didn't really believe it. they came in and scraped everything off the little bridge and it stayed bumpy for months. then they patched a few of the large holes....and we thought that was it. then they came in and resurfaced over the bridge. surely now....they are done.

NOPE....yesterday....early....there were many trucks traveling up and down the road......laying down the black tar stuff and rolling over it. then putting down some rock and rolling over that. it is so pretty that i don't want to drive on it......i want it to stay just the way it is. all they need to do now is paint the yellow stripes down the middle.

When we first moved out here....the excitement of the day was the mail person coming by. LOL    now we have moved on to more substantial excitement....the resurfacing of our road. 

I think i'll go bake a cake to celebrate.....write this date on the calendar.  

Perhaps i'll just go walk up and down the road.

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