Monday, August 22, 2011

Where DOES it all come from?

I filled a dumpster at the Duck a few months ago. at the time, i knew i would have a bit more trash to get rid of. and as i've been working out there....i've been bringing truck loads of wood back home to burn...since i can burn any time at the farm and there are particular burn days at the 1 day a month.

I was out Saturday afternoon and most of Sunday. i have gathered all the trash bags and pulled out lumber and old windows and doors. and the garage is quickly filling up again.

Here is some paneling, an old door, and a baby mattress found in the basement.

Then there are these 30 or so bags of crap from the basement, plaster, tile, sticks, whatever....

And yet another stack of paneling, plywood, pieces of wood, old windows, piece of carpet, etc.

My plan for these 2 days was to pull off the old red asphalt shingles on the outside of the house that wound up on the INSIDE of the front and back porches when they enclosed them. hidden, of course, under paneling.

Here is the front porch shingles are all gone. but i still have to pull up that plywood on the floor and yet another piece of carpet under that.

Here is the wood siding. i will clean it and paint it.

And now that makes me wonder......if i take the siding off the outside of the house.....and then i guess there are those red shingles under that.....would i find this wood siding underneath all that? would it be in good shape? makes me want to tear some off in a back area and check it out.

All those piles of wood and trash bags that were outside the front door....and seen from the street....are now in the garage awaiting a dumpster. except for those wood slats that are left. the burn day is the labor day i think i will go down and burn those all up then.

Then this area needs a bit of TLC. i might throw a quick coat of primer on that is the back side of the just looks all ugly.

Then i started pulling the red shingles off the back enlosed porch. and i took the storm window off the windows, too. i use the term 'storm window' rather loosely. it did not fit the window frame correctly, so the previous owner just nailed it up there....covered the edges with the shingles....and caulked it all. pitiful!!

That stick sitting in the window holds the window up when it is open. hahahahahahahaha

I pulled off as much as i could reach without getting on the ladder. It was about 3pm Sunday by this time and i was tired. i still had to drive 3 hours back to the i gave up for the day. i'll finish that up the next time i go down there....probably in a couple weeks.

My sis came over and helped me to cut up a bunch of boards so they would fit in my truck. i already have them unloaded into the burn pit.....probably burn those tonight or tomorrow morning.  and she filled buckets for me with plaster. i took them home, fill a hole at the farm.

She says i need i don't hurt myself. and i didn't get hurt while she was here....but once she went back to the beast......ouch!!

I was moving a long board and dropped it on my foot. Crocs do not protect your feet. LOL   the board fell about 4 feet and hit me straight up. i think if it had fallen flat i wouldn't have these pretty colored toes. the bruise on the second toe didn't show up till this morning. i limped around for a bit and then forgot about it. i didn't know it was ugly till i got home and took my sock off to take a shower. i usually get a badge of courage when i come home from the Duck. LOL

Oh, almost sis and I went to a big book sale on Friday. and after that we did a couple thrift stores. look what followed me home...

Isn't he just the cutest thing....with his foot all cocked up in the chair. i think i will spray paint him pink and then he will match the large pink frog i have outside. he may live on the porch steps at the studio. it's about 6 inches tall.

I also found this bowl....called a Fill-A-Bowl. first i looked at it and passed it up. as we were leaving i spotted it again and decided to get it. it was just too intriguing to leave there. don't know what i will put in those spaces yet. there are 15 fill them from the bottom. the spaces are a bit more than 1/2 inch deep. it will live at the studio. should i fill it with to figure out how to fill those slots. i know i don't want to put candy in it shows. it would get all sticky. what do you think? what should i fill it with.....i have 15 spaces to fill. whatever i put in there......i think it's gonna be kind of heavy.

OK....i have to go to quilt class in a bit. we are doing a Feathered Lone Star today that will be the center medallion in a civil war quilt. it will get pieced over the next 8 or 9 months.


  1. Frederick the Frog is adorable! And I would love to see a rainbow of buttons in that Fill-A-Bowl. Or gradations of one color. What a cool idea!

  2. I would say, fill the bowl with buttons, embroidery tread(skeins), beads, strips of fabric. That's my ideas. It will be fun, whatever you do!


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