Saturday, September 3, 2011

What vicious animal does this?

This dog, Suzy

She doesn't look vicious .... does she? she's hardly taller than my knees. usually she is a scardey-cat. but let her see a chipmunk and all reason leaves her.

I was walking home yesterday from the studio and saw the green plastic part that goes on the end of the gutter....laying out in the middle of the yard. WTH? i went and picked it up and found this.

I knew immediately what had transpired.... a poor chipmunk ran in there...trying to get away from Suzy. she would have pulled it off the gutter in a snap .... at which point the chipmunk would have run out the other end and went home. but Suzy never sees that part. she is sure that dreaded creature is still she growls and barks and chews. this piece was picked up at least 20 feet from the gutter....Suzy slings it all over the place as she is attacking it. i need a video of that... LOL.

We have taken to duct-taping these to the gutters because of Suzy. doesn't matter...when she is on a mission...there is no duct tape in the world that will hold her back.

I assume she figured out the chipmunk had abandoned this piece.

The next piece i found was this...

It was under the deck. just look at it....LOL   she has totally flattened it. was RIVETED to the next piece of guttering. doesn't matter....she viciously yanked it off. look at this piece closer....

She has teeth marks completely through it...what are these made of?  aluminum, i guess. granted it's not steel....but you have to flatten and bite through the dang thing? i guess she was really having fun!

Normally she lays in her chair most of the day and naps. i guess she is just resting up....waiting for the next chipmunk to cross her path. i don't know if it is the same one every time.....but i am surprised we still have any chipmunks living here.

When i took the pieces inside and showed them to DH and said .... 'look what YOUR dog did'....his eyes got rather large and he just laughed. i think inside he was proud and saying ..... 'that's my girl'....LOL

My advice to stock in guttering.....we'll be buying more of it.


  1. Our dog, Ginny, is like that, but instead of chipmunks, she is enamored of skunks. She has killed two so far, and been skunked 3 other times this summer. Phew!!! Our back yard and front entry smell like my grandmother's closed due to all the mothballs we have scattered around in an effort to keep them from coming around. Ick!

  2. I just love dogs and their "supposed" enemies!

  3. My dog is a winner and I am gonna keep her


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