Thursday, November 17, 2011

42 years ago today

Today is my son's birthday. Happy Birthday Larry.

Gosh, it doesn't seem like 42 years ago he was born. 42 YEARS....that's a long time.

He was such a good kid. well, except when he took the telephone apart, took the doorknob apart in his room, took the screws out of the coffee table legs, etc....but he was just a little kid then. we lived through it.

He was such a good kid.  well, except when he skipped school, and 'forgot' to come home on time, and brought home snakes and squirrels and dogs that needed help, etc....but he was just a kid then. we lived through it.

He was such a good kid. well, except when he got that first tattoo, and got his ear pierced, and snuck out his bedroom window to meet girls, etc....but he was a teenager then. we almost didn't live through it. LOL

But now....he is all grown up and on his own....with a wife....and kids....and a job...and 800 miles away in Texas.

But he comes back to visit occasionally. and plays the good son.

Or pretends to be a badass. by the way....there are many more tattoos now. sigh!!

He has come home to help us on the farm throughout the years. i loved this time.....we were trying to get the cattails out of the pond. hahahahaha first he tried waders...messy. then there was a snake and he scrambled pretty fast out of that pond. then we tried the boat. LOL we wound up having the pond drained and made bigger and that took care of all the cattails. poor Larry

Then there was the time he came to help us insulate the cellar ceiling so the floors above in the house would be warmer. that was a fun, itchy time. poor Larry

And the time i decided we needed a fence around the garden/orchard area. it was hot....he brought his boys with him and it all got done. but it was a hot, tiresome job. poor Larry

But there was some fun, too. he got to ride the hills in the 4-wheeler. here he is with his oldest son.

He is married to the sweetest, nicest girl i have ever met. a Texas girl.....who always says ma'am and sir. LOL makes me feel old. i just love that girl and am glad they got married. they got married on a float cool was that!

Doesn't seem like 42 years already.....guess that makes me old. LOL

But he's my baby favorite son.

Happy Birthday Larry


  1. What a wonderful tribute Shirley....Happy Birthday Larry!

  2. Sweet tribute, handsome son, pretty daughter-in-law, and it sounds like a whole lotta "momma-love" ... as it should be. May his birthday be special.

  3. Happy Birthday Larry!! Those sound like great memories and fun times you had!

  4. Tell him I said Happy Birthday when you talk to him next time.
    Hope you are doing better as well! Take it easy, don't try to do too much. I know how hard that is, I think it is in our blood!

  5. What a wonderful post. What a wonderful son!! Happy Birthday.


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