Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bathroom facelift

Let's face it....we all need a little facelift now and then. the bathroom at the Duck needed major work. i gutted it out and then called in the experts to re-do it. this last Saturday and Sunday was facelift day.

First we had to take out the multiple layers of floors....most of them rotted. i believe we counted 6 layers with ceramic tile, stick on tiles, couple linoleums, some parquet...sheesh! This is Bill....he is the brother of my contractor. he got the floor destruction job.

This is construction guru....this guy is a gem....he does it all. he is cutting the 2x4's for the new wall. i moved one wall out 2 feet into the next room (where he is working) and moved the wall on the other side out and took over the little bit of hallway. this made the bathroom much larger.

Now we have most of the floor out. it was amazing down there....LOL.  at some point, previous owners totally cut out a joist on either it was supporting nothing. to compensate....they stood up a 2x4 under it in the basement. pipes were wired to the unsupporting piece of joist. and, yes, these ladders are simply sitting on the joists. the guys just climbed up like monkeys and no one fell through the floor to the basement. but Thomas cut his hand every day....first thing....he was always bleeding. LOL  he says it happens to him a lot and it doesn't phase him any more. i believe he needs safety lessons.

Finally it was cleaned up enough to start getting the plywood down on the floor.

I loved it when the new walls went up. it looked so much bigger and i could just envision what it would look like when it was all finished. ..... some day.

I had them construct a wide shower area. i wanted it wheelchair accessable in case we needed that feature in the future. the doorway is wide enough to wheel in, turn, and roll into the shower.

There is a partial wall for the shower...about 6 foot tall. the top of it will be enclosed with glass blocks. the color scheme in the bathroom will be cool greens and blues....think Hawaii...water and greenery.

The doorway is a wide 36 inches. you enter through the next room....which will be the office. but since i closed up the hall to make the bath was the only option. and i am ok with that. after is my place and i can do what i want. LOL  if someone doesn't like it...they can go across the alley and use the bathroom at Pizza Hut. hahahahahaha

I am so excited that this much has been done. i have already found the toilet that i want. and am looking for a sink. i have 44 inches of space for a sink. i just have to decide what kind i want. the space on the left of the doorway will have a cabinet with shelves to hold towels and such and drawers for extra storage. i will hang a mirror over the sink and some hanging lights. i am giving consideration to tiling a 'rug' in front of the sink. but if i do that....then an actual rug will cover it up. so i think i need to do some tile design right in front of the door when you step in. ideas are forming.

What do you think....want me to come over and tear out your bathroom so you can re-do it? LOL

This coming Saturday and Sunday the guys are coming back to tear out the kitchen cabinets and rebuild the wall between the kitchen and dining room. more fun! i wanted to leave the cabinets in place and work around them but decided it just won't work. i had already removed the cabinet that was on top of the stove and one in a corner. the kitchen is rather small so it has to be reconfigured.



  1. Lots of progress! Can't wait to see what you do with it Shirley.

  2. I was starting to think we were going to see an episode of Holmes on Homes (the guy that comes in after the original work was 'done' and fixes all the flaws) when you mentioned how the joists had been cut on either end supporting nothing, yikes. Progress is looking good, I'm sure look forward to completion and will enjoy it greatly.

  3. I like the idea of a tile 'rug' in front of the door ~ sounds like the perfect place for a quilt block design!!


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