Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas at our house

We really don't celebrate Christmas. it's not that we're against it....but if we want something...we just go buy it. so we don't need 'presents'. there are no little kids in the house....and they are the ones who 'make' Christmas. we have no decorations or outside lights or blow up Santas in the yard.

We only have this....

A little 2 foot white tree that i had in the studio. i looked at it the other day and figured i should take it to the house and put it on the coffee table. made a tree skirt from a piece of red fabric.  there are some embroidered ornaments on there, too, but you can't see them well. notice there are presents. LOL

Since we had a tree i asked hubby if he wanted to get presents to put under the tree...just for kicks. so the rules were that we each spend about $20 on the other person and get little silly things and wrap them up. we will wait till Christmas morning to open. hubby says we will have hot chocolate with peppermint marshmallows while opening. LOL

His pile to me is on the right....he used pretty wrapping paper....and there are lots of presents.  

My pile to him is on the left....wrapped with brown paper and tissue paper. LOL  and his pile to me is bigger than my pile to i have to go get a few more things. after all...we want to be fair. hahahaha

Think we need to get presents for the dog, too?

Have a safe and happy holiday season.


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