Saturday, December 3, 2011

It was a Hitchcock moment!

Have you seen the Alfred Hitchcock movie...The Birds?    it was pretty creepy....the birds terrorizing the town. my sister and i got a feel of that the other day.

We were down in the Beast and the Duck....meeting up with our contractor to do some work.

We were heading to the grocery store for a few staples. while driving through their huge parking lot....there were all these flocks of birds standing around in the lot....3 different sections of them. i mentioned...hey, look at all the pigeons....sis says....those are not pigeons...they are gulls.

Well, ok...upon a second look...they are larger. we had stopped and were looking at them. she says....i should drive over that way and make them all fly away. we had been to mcdonald's earlier and had a few fries left in a bag in the truck.

So, i, i'll just throw these fries out for them....they look hungry. LOL....there was one little guy kind of by hisself....just looking at us. i figured out later....he was the scout.  he was the small, innocent looking one that you felt sorry for....he looked all pitiful and hungry.

So i throw 2 or 3 fries out. the little guy came on a run to get them.....then the dozen or so that were by him came on the run, too. i quickly threw out a few more.

In the Blink of an EYE....ALL the gulls from all over the parking lot.....came on the fly.....screeching and dive bombing and fighting over the few fries. i was still tossing them out the window....3 or 4 at a time. they were trying to dive bomb the truck.   there must have been 50 of them.

My sister is yelling....throw them all out at once....pull your arm in the truck....roll up the i threw out all the rest and we tore out of there. it was freaky and very intimidating. i am VERY GLAD i didn't step out of the truck....i would have been gull food by now.

Dang....seagulls are large,dangerous, scary birds. they have a LARGE wingspan. they are FAST.


When we came back out of the grocery store....we looked out into the parking lot. there they all were......separated into groups again.....just waiting for an unsuspecting person to come too close with their groceries. they probably could have banded together and carried away a little old lady.

I may have to find a different store to shop at.

I never want to watch The Birds again.


1 comment:

  1. This is ahilarious!! I can jusr see you guys doing this too!


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