Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas one and all

We are having a 2 day Christmas celebration this and tomorrow. hubby suggested i cook today so he could eat for 2 days instead of just one. it's all about the food here. LOL  Our usual Christmas dinner includes a Honey-Baked Ham and this year is no exception. i got it back about Monday when i was at the Duck and to make sure we didn't eat it up BEFORE Christmas (not that we have ever done that....hahahahahahaha)....i stuck it in the freezer.

When i was in the ham store i purchased some sides also. sweet potato souffle and cornbread dressing. you just pop them in the oven for 30 minutes and viola'....Christmas dinner. so i will be cooking this morning and we will be eating for 2 days. if it wasn't for all the salt i could eat a honey baked ham every week. they are soooo good....and so expensive.....which is mainly why we only get them at Christmas. the ham people send us a coupon for $5 off each year. this year when i went i was second in line. a couple of years ago....the line snaked out the door and onto the sidewalk. the store is a tiny little store in a tiny little shopping strip so parking is at a premium. there are so many free samples and other goodies like jams and jellies and candies that it is a real test of willpower to only get out with your ham.

We have little presents under a little tree on a coffee table. and i have successfully left them alone all week. and haven't even whined or pouted about opening them. but, now i am thinking....since we are having Christmas DINNER today....then it is unofficially Christmas here now....and we should open presents now. at least some of them. we'll see how that idea works on the hubs.

The weather is snow, thank goodness....temps in the 40s and 50s predicted for the next few days. i'm lovin' that. i shut down the studio for a couple days and plan to not go out there till monday. but if i get really bored i might have to wander across the road. LOL  but i have lots of handwork to keep me occupied and a star selvage quilt top that i am working on......the last large need to get that together. i am thinking i might break out a jigsaw puzzle this afternoon. and there might be a nap or 2 involved....all that ham, you know. hahahah

So, whatever your traditions or inclinations....have a wonderful safe and warm.

Merry Christmas one and all!



  1. I love your idea of the gift exchange AND eating ham today and tomorrow. Since I am a gift opener on Christmas Eve (so I can get all excited over Santa's gift Christmas morning), I have to go along with your thinking that you should already have those gifts open!!

  2. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas!!


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