Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dec UFO Challenge quilt

In all the excitement that is December...apparently i never showed my December UFO Challenge quilt. so, here it is. i have to hook up to JudyL's blog to log it in.

This one was a simple Take 5 pattern..trying to use up the last of that floral fabric in the border...still have some left.

I managed to get every challenge done throughout the year and am excited about starting this year's challenges.

Back is a muslin with a floral panto. this top is on eBay at the moment...hope it finds a new home.

Thank you, Judy for a fun 2011. looking forward to the challenge of 2012.



  1. Congrats, big time!! I was thrilled to get more than half of my challenges done, but to finish them all is amazing.

  2. Congrats on your finish and a successful year!

  3. How great to finish all of your challenges -- congratulations and good luck with 2012!

  4. Beautiful! I love the quilting! Congratulations on finishing all of your challenges. It feels great, doesn't it? Happy New Year! :o)

  5. COngrats on meeting all the challenges! I joined in for the first time this year am hoping it keeps me inspired to get thise UFO's done. Happy New Year!

  6. Nice quilt! I like the colors and quilting. Congratulations on meeting every goal for 2011 UFOs, that is terrific. I completed 4 of 12 but since they were all for me, I didn't disappoint anyone but myself :)

  7. Congratulations - I also got mine done and doesn't it feel wonderful having accomplished that much. Great quilt and colors. Judy C


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