Thursday, January 5, 2012

In the Beginning...

I am trying to keep my 2012 goals in the forefront of my mind. so i can remind myself of what i want to do and how much of it is getting done. i also made a calendar so i can write it all down and have evidence. hahahahaha  a bit Monkish...but it works for me.

I am proud to say that i have already met this week's goals for miles walked and weight loss. i wanted to walk 7 miles a mile a day....i have walked 9 miles so far....2 miles a day. yea me!!  LOL

I wanted to lose 1.5 pounds this week......i have lost 2.  again, yea me!!'s only been 4 days into the new year....but, hey....i celebrate little victories.

I also pieced 3 of the Dear Jane blocks and have finished my January crazy quilt square and almost have February done.  pics to follow soon.

Today i plan on boxing up more stash fabric to donate to the Upcycle Exchange place....that will help with stash busting. and i am currently quilting on one of my selvage quilts.

And i am still walking back and forth to the studio rather than driving. except if i have a heavy load to carry over there. we'll see how that goes in the snow. LOL   but last year i did walk over in the snow...mainly because my truck cannot navigate the hill and curve of the driveway without putting me in a ditch. that's's exercise.

So, after a banana for breakfast and some plum's off to the studio for some work.


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