Monday, February 13, 2012

It's snowing....blah!

Well, it finally caught up with us. it started snowing sometime in the night....we woke up to a sprinkling on the ground. then...every time i looked out the window....there were huge snowflakes flying around.

I had a stay-in-the-house-jammie day yesterday and decided to have one today, too. no going out in the cold to go to the studio. about noon....seeing all the snow STILL coming down....i decided i better go over to the studio and bring a couple things back to the house to work on for a day or 2.

So i went and got my February Color Pallette Challenge stuff. and some fabrics to make boxes....i got new patterns in the mail today. i am almost done with my hand applique on the home and harvest quilt. and only have 2 more class blocks to finish. and Dear Jane blocks are coming along, too. i did 4 of them yesterday and so far, 2 more today.

So, i am good for projects for the next couple days. i can stay in and hang out in my jammies. of course, that quilt on the frame won't quilt itself...sorry,'s gonna take me a few more days to get that done.

For now, i'm warm and cozy. hopefully the snow will go away sooner rather than


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