Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Ceiling demolition

I spent the weekend away from the studio. i went to my sisters and we hung out on Thursday and went to thrift shops and JoAnns and played. Friday we went to Centralia and did more thrift shops and went to buy her hot water heater. we won't even talk about us getting that monster into the house...it weighed 132 pounds...there were 5 steps....it was a BIG box....enough said. 

Saturday i made it over to the Duck. on the agenda was taking out more ceilings. i had hoped for 2 of them. in the back room of the studio one wall had some plywood over it but it wasn't done properly...so i took that out first. i will replace that wall....the correct way. those studs there have to come out, too. they are 2x6s and need to be 2x4s so the plywood on the other side sits in properly.

Then i tackled the ceiling of this back room for the studio. there were 9 2x4s on the ceiling....see those 'white' lines...that's where they were. i thought this would be hard because they were 2x4s and very long...about 16 feet. but once i got an end started...and put my large crow bar in there....they pretty much just popped off and fell on the floor. a couple hours and they were all off. the room was really too small to drag the scaffolding in there...so i just used the ladder. i carted all the boards out to the garage and tried to take down the plaster. but it was up there really well. this was a later addition so the plaster is not old and falling down. i just left it up there for another time.

So after looking around...i saw that the bathroom had 1 board up there that needed to come down. see that all white strip...that is where the 1x4 was attached. it came down pretty easily. the end broke off but i got it all down. i'll probably take that plaster down the next time i go. i hate cleaning up plaster mess. it is so heavy.

Then i looked at the office area. it was the smallest space. i managed to get 2 boards down and part of a third...you can see the end hanging up there. try as i might....i could not get these off that ceiling. i could get the pry bar in there...but it just wouldn't pop off. i finally figured out the problem was that the 1x4s are too flexible...they just bend or break. the 2x4s came off so easily in the first room because those boards are rigid and that helped me to get them down. so i got frustrated here and gave up on this room, too. do you see a pattern here? LOL

Not wanting to admit defeat....i tried the dining room ceiling. the plaster here is falling off in bits and pieces. i managed to get 2 boards off here. and i cleared the plaster off that section as well....since it was falling on me anyway. and i even took out 2 sections of lathe boards. the brown still showing up there is the insulation...that will be a very messy job to get that out. it is all old and disintigrating and DUSTY.

By this point i was getting tired and it was 3pm...so i called it a day. it was rather frustrating that i didn't get more done....but i was trying to be careful and not get hurt...pulling a muscle or anything. so even though i didn't get a lot done....it was progress after all.

I am still waiting to get the contractor back out there to finish hooking up the electric. he is tied up on other larger jobs and i don't get out there often enough. hopefully in the next month i can take a few more days and stay out there and try to get the electric work finished up and more ceiling demolition.

As much as i would like to work on it every week...it will have to wait till


1 comment:

  1. LOL..I love your Duck blogs!! The weather is getting so nice you won't be able to keep yourself away from Centralia!


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